“My first thought was, do I even want to?” #GEW2020


This Global Entrepreneurship Week we’re catching up with former PR apprentices to hear how their career has emerged since successfully completing their apprenticeship.

I started my career journey just over four years ago, before joining where I am today, I previously worked for a PR and Marketing agency, where I began my career as an apprentice.

I always remember the day I finished college and was quickly asked, “So which university have you decided to go to?” And my first thought was “Do I even want to?” Having thought long and hard about my aspirations for the future, I had discussions with career advisors and researched the pros and cons between university and an apprenticeship. It was obvious to me that learning on the job was a better fit.

Wanting to carry on with education, but earn money and experience at the same time, I started a 15-month Level 4 Diploma in PR and Marketing apprenticeship in January 2016 set by the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA). The apprenticeship and role inspired me to be the best I can be, and with the motivation from my colleagues and training provider, by June that year I had completed the course – including 45 separate pieces of coursework – as well as working full-time at the agency. Following completion, I landed a permanent role at the firm.

I strongly believe that others should consider starting their journey as an apprentice. It gives you a great advantage into the sector you want to grow in, as well as doing something you’re passionate and dedicated about. Plus, you gain a qualification that will take you further into your career.

Studying and achieving a qualification is a huge gain, but you want to be in the right company to do this. As an apprentice you don’t want to just be photocopying and making tea all day. Show you want more. Show you want the full package of becoming a pro. Doing this taught me many skills such as building self-confidence, growing relationships and gaining hands-on experience with my employer.

Prove your dedication, and this will give you the ideal starting point to start your career journey. It has certainly helped me get to where I am today.

Having had experience in many sectors at the agency, it was time to decide which of those sectors I was most passionate about. With some experience already gained in the transport and logistics sector, and after almost three years at the agency, I joined Talent in Logistics.

Having now worked in logistics for two years, I have now developed into my role at RTITB – sister company of Talent in Logistics. It is of course my current goal to help grow the business, but also influence others to consider the job opportunities available within the sector. Whether you want to work in a warehouse, be on the road delivering goods to people’s homes, or even become a planner, marketer, recruiter or trainer; the apprenticeship route is sure to give you the best step through the door.

If I could give future apprentices one piece of advice, it would be to research the role you are applying for and what your day-to-day responsibilities will be. But make sure you have an understanding of the company and sector, you will be working within. This research should go hand-in-hand with your awareness, it never hurts to identify the company’s objectives. Check out their website and discover their social media channels and be sure to bring them up in your interview, it is sure to impress!

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