Time to Lead: PRCA issues call for nominations to the first of its new committees; Nominations and Membership Committees will oversee top appointments and membership criteria and benefits


PRCA’s new governance means there are even more opportunities for Members to direct and shape the way we work, ensuring transparency and accountability. The new General Council of all company members has four standing sub-committees which are being formed and the first two of these are now open for nominations: the Nominations Committee and the Membership Committee. People can nominate themselves or others for a position on each committee.

The new committees have a central role in the development of PRCA’s new management and governance structure. The Nominations Committee has oversight over appointments to the management board of PRCA, and over the appointments process to the professional boards and advisory boards. The Membership Committee defines membership criteria for PRCA membership and for Fellow and Companion status, and agrees the benefits available to members. They are therefore the first of the committees for which PRCA is recruiting.

Here is what each is accountable for and how to step forward for a role. The closing date for nominations is 27 October 2023. 

Nominations Committee:  5 Professional Members called for.  

The Nominations Committee is a standing committee of the all-Company Member General Council, which means it is intrinsic to the leadership of PRCA. It is a highly impactful Committee, critical to PRCA’s success. It:

  • Recommends to the General Council’s steering committee who should sit on the other two standing committees (the Nominations Committee and the Standards Committee) and the management board of the PRCA.
  • Approves who sits on the professional boards and the advisory boards of the PRCA. 
  • Selects the honorary vice president and so the de facto future president.  
  • Meets at least twice a year for a couple of hours, though there will be activity in between especially in this, its first year. 
  • Its work is supported by the PRCA staff team.  
  • The committee is Chaired by our new President, Sarah Scholefield, and will also have two Independent Members.  

Being a member of this committee will suit people who are keen to meet different people from across the PRCA and who care passionately about Member participation and representation, and equality, diversity and inclusion.  

We want representation from across our membership, from large to small agencies, sole traders, in-house, the UK’s nations and regions, international, public affairs, PR, communications, financial, consumer and corporate. To nominate yourself or someone else please fill in this form. If you are nominating someone else, please get their prior agreement. CLOSING DATE: 23:59 BST on Friday 27 October 2023. 


Membership Committee – 7Professional Members called for.

The Membership Committee is one of the four standing committees of the General Council and as such is a permanent leadership feature of the new governance structures. The Membership Committee:

  • decides the criteria for an organisation becoming a Company Member, able to be a “Registered Public Affairs/Relations Company”. 
  • allocates the voting rights to a Company Member.  
  • identifies Company Members and Professional Members within them subject to the Public Affairs code of conduct. 
  • determines the ‘benefits’ of Company Membership, Professional Membership and Associate Membership.  
  • defines the criteria for Fellow status, FPRCA, and the rarer Companion status, CPRCA. Both are given for outstanding contributions to and achievements in the industry.  
  • is the point of appeal for any Company Member or Professional Member or Associate Member potentially losing their membership because they are considered to have broken the PRCA’s Codes of Conduct.  
  • meets at least four times a year for a couple of hours, though there will be activity in between especially in this, its first year.  
  • has the support of the PRCA staff team, who will do the heavy lifting.  
  • is Chaired by our President, Sarah Scholefield, or the Vice President, Charles Lewington.  

We want representation from across our membership, from large to small agencies, sole traders, in-house, the UK’s nations and regions, international, public affairs, PR, communications, financial, consumer and corporate. To nominate yourself or someone else please fill in this form. If you are nominating someone else, please get their prior agreement. CLOSING DATE: 23:59 BST on Friday 27 October 2023. 

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