Meaningful Measurement and Evaluation to shape the future – ICCO World PR Report


Global agency heads predict meaningful measurement and analytics technology will have the greatest impact on the PR and communications industry’s future, according to the 2021-2022 ICCO World PR Report.

When asked which technology will have the greatest impact on the industry in the future, 21% of respondents predicted measurement and analytics, followed by research, insight and planning (18%).

With clients and brands requiring support more than ever in corporate reputation, purpose initiatives, and digital services, there is a growing opportunity for PR and communications teams to entrench effective measurement and evaluation frameworks in their services. In fact, one in four respondents expect to invest in measurement, evaluation, and analytics in 2022. A further 18% expect to invest in research, planning, and insights.

Encouragingly, the research paints a picture of a global industry more aware and willing to embrace meaningful measurement and evaluation approaches, as championed by AMEC, to prove the power of its work. 58% of respondents across the world now use AMEC’s free educational tools and resources, with the UK (73%), Africa (69%), and Eastern Europe (67%) recording the highest usage.

The report – published in partnership with Opinium – delivers a compelling snapshot of the global PR landscape, revealing the issues, trends, and opportunities for agencies across seven worldwide regions.

Richard Bagnall, global co-managing partner CARMA International and Chair, AMEC, said:

“Economic uncertainty around the globe driven by unprecedented debt levels, socioeconomic and political challenges means that budgets will be tight and client organisations will be expecting a meaningful return for their investment. They are looking for organisational-relevant results that support their objectives, not to be serviced by ‘busy fools’ confusing meaningful evaluation with activity driven ‘counts and amounts’. Leaning in, learning and embracing meaningful measurement approaches and best practice as championed by AMEC and endorsed by ICCO is the way to do this.”

PRCA Director General and ICCO CEO Francis Ingham said:

“This can be a pivotal moment on evaluation for our industry. Clients and senior colleagues have seen the enormous value that effective communication brings during this Covid period. Now is the time therefore to encourage them to integrate proper measurement and evaluation into everything they do -and ICCO and AMEC are determined to do just that. To steal a famous quote -carpe diem.”

Johna Burke, Global Managing Director, AMEC, said:

“The seeming disproportionate use of quantitative data is only part of the 2021 ICCO World report story. This important benchmarking research also highlights the shift in focus toward objectives aligned with reputation, purpose, sustainability, and diversity, which will force the qualitative values of PR and communication – these objectives are never represented by a single number or vanity metric. AMEC is proud to partner with ICCO, as its members navigate this shift and balance qualitative and quantitative measurement and evaluation.”

Download the report here

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